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Social Security Disability Appeals Process

Application for social security card If Your Request for Social Security Benefits Has Been Denied

There may be nothing more upsetting than being told that you do not qualify for Social Security Disability benefits after you have faithfully paid into the program your entire career. Many people choose to just drop the matter after the first denial without knowing anything more about their rights. Before you give up the fight, talk to a lawyer who will give you sound advice and honest answers.

At the law firm of Pulgini & Norton, LLP, we represent people who are unable to work and need help working through the Social Security process. If your benefits have been denied, we can help you with appeal the decision. Below we have provided some additional information about the SSD appeals process and the services we provide to assist you.

The Process for Appealing a Denial of Social Security Benefits

Reconsideration: If your initial application for benefits has been denied, you have 60 days to request a reconsideration. The reconsideration involves a full review by someone who was not involved with the initial denial of benefits. This individual will review the information from the original application along with any new information you include.

Administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing: If the reconsideration confirms the denial, you can request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). The hearing is presided over by a judge who was not part of either of the first two decisions regarding your application. New evidence can be submitted and sworn testimony is entered. You have 60 days from receiving the outcome of the reconsideration to request an ALJ hearing. Many appeals are won at this stage.

Appeals Council: Once you receive the ALJ’s decision, you can request a review by the Appeals Council if you are not satisfied with the result. The Appeals Council can confirm or overturn the ALJ’s decision or send the case back to the ALJ for further review. The Appeals Council also has the option of declining the review of your case.

Federal court: If none of the above options produces a favorable result, we have the option of appealing the matter to federal court. Our attorneys are admitted to try cases at every level of the court system, and we will not hesitate to pursue your case to the highest level if we believe that we can obtain a positive outcome for you.

Talk To One of Our Boston Denied Social Security Disability Claims Attorneys

Contact our law firm today to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys to discuss your case. We have offices in downtown Boston, New Bedford, Braintree, Hyde Park and Andover, Massachusetts, to serve you. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. You can reach us by phone at 781-843-2200 or via e-mail.