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Hospitality Industry Employees

Hospitality Industry Employees Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Representing Residents of Boston

The hospitality industry includes food services, hotels, tourism, and other areas. The industry is often affected by how well the economy is doing, and employee turnover is common. As a result, many workers may not have much experience and may require more training than they receive. This may result in accidents. Hospitality workers have reported work-related injuries or illnesses at a rate of 4.2 per 100 full-time employees. If you are a hospitality industry employee who was hurt in an accident, the Boston workers’ compensation attorneys at Pulgini & Norton are ready to represent you.

Assert Your Rights as a Hospitality Industry Employee

Businesses in the hospitality industry must conduct frequent, effective safety trainings for workers. They should also commit to a safety program to reduce the risk of injury. In the long run, this may make their business thrive by improving the comfort of their patrons.

There are some differences across the industry regarding who is likely to be hurt. Many people in the hospitality industry are under age 24, and a high percentage are likely to be injured in their first year of work. Hotel workers are 40% more likely to suffer severe injuries than other workers in the hospitality industry, and they may need more days off work and transfers, as well as medically restricted work.

If you have been unable to earn your full wages for five or more days because of a job-related illness or injury, your employer has seven days from the fifth day of your loss to report the injury to its insurer. On the day that you get hurt, you can and should go to the hospital. However, your employer will only need to pay you for hours that were actually worked. If you are paid for only those hours, the day of the injury is the first day of disability. If you were paid for the whole day, the next day is the first day of disability.

The insurer has 14 calendar days from receiving a report of injury to mail you a check or a form indicating why it is denying compensation. You may file an employee claim, Form 110, with your employer's insurer at any point, but the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) will not accept it until 30 days have passed from the first date on which you were disabled or until you have received a notification of denial.

Your employer is required to post a Notice to Employees poster in the workplace, letting you know the name of its insurance carrier for workers' compensation benefits. Once the employer reports the injury to the insurer and the DIA, it is supposed to provide you with a report that also states the name and contact information for the insurer. Moreover, the Boston Office of Insurance may also be able to help you.

Discuss Your Workers’ Compensation Claim with a Boston Attorney

As a hospitality industry employee in Massachusetts, you probably have spent a significant amount of your work time attending to the comforts and needs of others. When you are hurt in the workplace, you need someone else to attend to your needs. Our Boston workers’ compensation lawyers are experienced at filing these claims and looking after the interests of workers. If you develop an illness or suffer an injury on the job, Pulgini & Norton may be able to help. We also represent claimants in Weymouth, Braintree, and Andover, among other Massachusetts communities. Call us at 781-843-2200 or complete our online form to set up a free consultation with a work injury lawyer.